Source code for ci_exec.provider

# Copyright 2019 Stephen McDowell                                                      #
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");                      #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.                     #
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"""Mechanisms to detect a given CI provider."""

import os
from typing import Callable, List, TYPE_CHECKING

# mypy has trouble inferring @provider as @staticmethod right now.  The solution will
# not likely exist for a while, there are some deeper problems with typing and
# staticmethod / classmethod that need to be fixed first.
    provider = staticmethod  # pragma: no cover
[docs] def provider(func: Callable) -> staticmethod: """ Mark a function as a CI provider. **Not intended for use outside of the** |Provider| **class**. Parameters ---------- func The function to decorate. Returns ------- :func:`python:staticmethod` A static method that has an attribute ``register_provider=True``. """ # NOTE: order matters, staticmethod(func) seems to clear custom attributes so # make sure that setting register_provider stays last! static_func = staticmethod(func) setattr(static_func, "register_provider", True) return static_func
[docs]class ProviderMeta(type): """ Metaclass for |Provider|. This metaclass populates :attr:`Provider._all_provider_functions` by coordinating with the :func:`provider` decorator. **Not intended to be used as a metaclass for any other classes**. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): # noqa: D102 the_cls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) _all_provider_functions = [] for key, val in attrs.items(): if getattr(val, "register_provider", False): # NOTE: cannot append `val` directly, you will end up with # 'staticmethod' is not callable. _all_provider_functions.append(getattr(the_cls, key)) the_cls._all_provider_functions = _all_provider_functions return the_cls
[docs]class Provider(object, metaclass=ProviderMeta): """ Check if code is executing on a continuous integration (CI) service. Every now and then it is useful to know 1. If you are running on any CI service, or 2. If you are running on a specific CI service. The static methods in this class provide a way of checking for pre-defined (by the CI service provider) environment variables:: from ci_exec import Provider, which def build(): # ... run cmake etc ... ninja = which("ninja") if Provider.is_travis(): # Ninja uses too much memory during link phase. See: # "My build script is killed without any error" # ninja("-j", "2", "install") else: ninja("install") **Available Providers**: .. availableproviders:: **Adding a New Provider**: Pull requests are welcome. Alternatively, simply raise an issue with a link to the provider's main homepage as well as a link to the documentation certifying the environment variables we can rely on. 1. Add a new ``is_{new_provider}`` method to this class, decorated with ``@provider``. Keep these alphabetically sorted (except for ``is_ci``, which should always be first). 2. Document any environment variable(s) involved in a table, including hyperlinks to the provider's main homepage as well as documentation describing the environment variables in question. 3. Add to the ``_specific_providers`` list of environment variables in the ``tests/`` file (near :func:`~tests.provider.provider_sum`). 4. Add a "pseudo-test" in ``tests/`` in the appropriate location. Attributes ---------- _all_provider_functions : list **Not intended for external usage**. The list of all known (implemented) CI provider functions in this class. For example, it will contain :func:`Provider.is_appveyor`, ..., :func:`Provider.is_travis`, etc. This is a **class** attribute, the ``Provider`` class is not intended to be instantiated. """ # NOTE: only added here to make mypy happy. _all_provider_functions = [] # type: List[Callable]
[docs] @staticmethod def is_ci() -> bool: """ Whether or not the code is executing on a CI service. Environment variables considered: +----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Environment Variable | Environment Value | +============================+=============================+ | ``CI`` | ``true`` (case insensitive) | +----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ``CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION`` | ``true`` (case insensitive) | +----------------------------+-----------------------------+ If neither of these are ``true``, this function will query every provider directly. For example, it will end up checking if ``any([Provider.is_appveyor(), ..., Provider.is_travis(), ...])``. """ return os.getenv("CI", "false").lower() == "true" or \ os.getenv("CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION", "false") == "true" or \ any([provider() for provider in Provider._all_provider_functions])
[docs] @provider def is_appveyor() -> bool: # type: ignore """ Whether or not the code is executing on `AppVeyor`_. `Environment variables considered <appveyor_env_>`_: +----------------------+-----------------------------+ | Environment Variable | Environment Value | +======================+=============================+ | ``APPVEYOR`` | ``true`` (case insensitive) | +----------------------+-----------------------------+ .. _AppVeyor: .. _appveyor_env: """ return os.getenv("APPVEYOR", "false").lower() == "true"
[docs] @provider def is_azure_pipelines() -> bool: """ Whether or not the code is executing on `Azure Pipelines <azp_>`_. `Environment variables considered <azp_env_>`_: +---------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Environment Variable | Environment Value | +===========================+===================================+ | ``AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT`` | Existence checked, value ignored. | +---------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ``AGENT_NAME`` | Existence checked, value ignored. | +---------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ``BUILD_REASON`` | Existence checked, value ignored. | +---------------------------+-----------------------------------+ .. note:: All three must be set for this function to return ``True``. .. _azp: .. _azp_env: """ # noqa: E501 # NOTE: in future this might get to change. # return os.getenv("AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT", None) is not None and \ os.getenv("AGENT_NAME", None) is not None and \ os.getenv("BUILD_REASON", None) is not None
[docs] @provider def is_circle_ci() -> bool: """ Whether or not the code is executing on `CircleCI`_. `Environment variables considered <circle_ci_env_>`_: +----------------------+-----------------------------+ | Environment Variable | Environment Value | +======================+=============================+ | ``CIRCLECI`` | ``true`` (case insensitive) | +----------------------+-----------------------------+ .. _CircleCI: .. _circle_ci_env: """ # noqa: E501 return os.getenv("CIRCLECI", "false").lower() == "true"
[docs] @provider def is_jenkins() -> bool: """ Whether or not the code is executing on `Jenkins`_. `Environment variables considered <jenkins_env_>`_: +----------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Environment Variable | Environment Value | +======================+===================================+ | ``JENKINS_URL`` | Existence checked, value ignored. | +----------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ``BUILD_NUMBER`` | Existence checked, value ignored. | +----------------------+-----------------------------------+ .. note:: Both must be set for this function to return ``True``. .. _Jenkins: .. _jenkins_env: """ # noqa: E501 return os.getenv("JENKINS_URL", None) is not None and \ os.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER", None) is not None
[docs] @provider def is_travis() -> bool: """ Whether or not the code is executing on `Travis`_. `Environment variables considered <travis_env_>`_: +----------------------+-----------------------------+ | Environment Variable | Environment Value | +======================+=============================+ | ``TRAVIS`` | ``true`` (case insensitive) | +----------------------+-----------------------------+ .. _Travis: .. _travis_env: """ # noqa: E501 return os.getenv("TRAVIS", "false").lower() == "true"