Source code for tests.colorize

# Copyright 2019 Stephen McDowell                                                      #
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"""Tests for the :mod:`ci_exec.colorize` module."""

import re
import shutil
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from ci_exec.colorize import Ansi, Colors, Styles, colorize, \
    dump_predefined_color_styles, log_stage

import pytest

[docs]def test_all_colors(): """ Validate |all_colors| returns all available colors. .. |all_colors| replace:: :func:`Colors.all_colors <ci_exec.colorize.Colors.all_colors>` """ reported_all_colors = Colors.all_colors() assert len(set(reported_all_colors)) == len(reported_all_colors) all_colors = set([ item for key, item in Colors.__dict__.items() if key[0].isupper() ]) assert set(reported_all_colors) == all_colors
[docs]def test_all_styles(): """ Validate |all_styles| returns all available styles. .. |all_styles| replace:: :func:`Styles.all_styles <ci_exec.colorize.Styles.all_styles>` """ reported_all_styles = Styles.all_styles() assert len(set(reported_all_styles)) == len(reported_all_styles) all_styles = set([ item for key, item in Styles.__dict__.items() if key[0].isupper() ]) assert set(reported_all_styles) == all_styles
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "color,style", [(c, s) for c in Colors.all_colors() for s in Styles.all_styles()] ) def test_colorize(color: str, style: str): """Test |colorize| colors as expected for each platform.""" message = "colors!" colored = colorize(message, color=color, style=style) if style == Styles.Regular: assert colored.startswith("{Escape}{color}m".format( Escape=Ansi.Escape, color=color )) else: assert colored.startswith("{Escape}{color};{style}m".format( Escape=Ansi.Escape, color=color, style=style )) assert colored.endswith("{Clear}".format(Clear=Ansi.Clear)) assert message in colored
[docs]def test_dump_predefined_color_styles(capsys): """Validate :func:`~ci_exec.colorize.dump_predefined_color_styles` dumps all.""" dump_predefined_color_styles() captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" # Collect the printed results. colors_seen = {} spec_regex = re.compile(r"color=([a-zA-Z]+), style=([a-zA-Z]+)") for match in spec_regex.finditer(captured.out): color, style = match.groups() if color in colors_seen: colors_seen[color].append(style) else: colors_seen[color] = [style] # Make sure every color in every style was presented. all_colors = Colors.all_colors() all_styles = set(Styles.all_styles()) assert len(colors_seen) == len(all_colors) for color_name, style_names in colors_seen.items(): # The style names are printed, get the values styles_seen = [getattr(Styles, style) for style in style_names] assert len(styles_seen) == len(style_names) assert set(styles_seen) == all_styles # Check the actual colors showed up. color = getattr(Colors, color_name) for style_name, style in zip(style_names, styles_seen): expected = colorize( "color={color_name}, style={style_name}".format( color_name=color_name, style_name=style_name ), color=color, style=style ) assert expected in captured.out
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( # See: # Setting via __kwdefaults__ isn't supported yet, so the {var}_ with the underscore # is a dirty hack to get around this in conjunction with type: ignore. "stage,fill_char_,pad_,l_pad_,r_pad_,color_,style_,width_", [ # This is TOTAL overkill lol (stage, fill_char, pad, l_pad, r_pad, color, style, width) for stage in ( "CMake.Configure", "M" * 44, "M" * 512 ) for fill_char in (None, "-") # default: "=" for pad in (None, "") # default: " " for l_pad in (None, "_") # default: " " for r_pad in (None, "++") # default: " " for color in (None, Colors.Green, Colors.Cyan) # default: Colors.Green for style in (Styles.Bold, Styles.Regular) # default: Styles.Bold for width in (None, 44) # default: None ] ) def test_log_stage(capsys, stage: str, fill_char_: Optional[str], pad_: Optional[str], l_pad_: Optional[str], r_pad_: Optional[str], color_: Optional[str], style_: str, width_: Optional[int]): """Test |log_stage| prints the expected messages.""" # Setup call for log_stage as well as determine what the expected values are by # either using the parametrized argument or grabbing the default from log_stage. log_stage_kwargs = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if fill_char_ is not None: fill_char = fill_char_ log_stage_kwargs["fill_char"] = fill_char else: fill_char = log_stage.__kwdefaults__["fill_char"] # type: ignore if pad_ is not None: pad = pad_ log_stage_kwargs["pad"] = pad else: pad = log_stage.__kwdefaults__["pad"] # type: ignore if l_pad_ is not None: l_pad = l_pad_ log_stage_kwargs["l_pad"] = l_pad else: l_pad = log_stage.__kwdefaults__["l_pad"] # type: ignore if r_pad_ is not None: r_pad = r_pad_ log_stage_kwargs["r_pad"] = r_pad else: r_pad = log_stage.__kwdefaults__["r_pad"] # type: ignore color = color_ if color_ != Colors.Green: # use default color log_stage_kwargs["color"] = color style = style_ if style_ != Styles.Bold: # use default style log_stage_kwargs["style"] = style if width_ is not None: width = width_ log_stage_kwargs["width"] = width else: width = log_stage.__kwdefaults__["width"] # type: ignore #################################################################################### # Same code as implementation ... no good way to abstract. # # Expected width of output format. # full_width = width or shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # # # # Setup the default padding scenarios. # if l_pad is None: # l_pad = pad # if r_pad is None: # r_pad = pad # # # # Compute usable areas to fill. # pad_width = len(l_pad) + len(r_pad) # stage_width = len(stage) + pad_width # fill_width = full_width - stage_width # #################################################################################### def verify_all(colored_output: str): """Validate all parameters from the specified (maybe) colorized output.""" # Remove trailing \n to make comparisons easier. colored_output = colored_output.strip() # Test coloring / style (do first to create un-colored version to test others). if color is not None: ansi_color, ansi_clear = colorize("!", color=color, style=style).split("!") assert colored_output.startswith(ansi_color) assert colored_output.endswith(ansi_clear) assert color in colored_output if style is not None: assert style in colored_output else: ansi_color, ansi_clear = "", "" assert Ansi.Escape not in colored_output assert Ansi.Clear not in colored_output # Create uncolored version to make later tests easier. stripped_out = colored_output.replace(ansi_color, "").replace(ansi_clear, "") # Need at least (fill_width - 1) / 2 available. if fill_width < 3: fill = None else: if fill_width % 2 == 0: fill = fill_char * (fill_width // 2) else: fill = fill_char * ((fill_width - 1) // 2) # Verify the expected fill was used. if fill is not None: assert colored_output.count(fill) == 2 else: assert fill_char not in colored_output # Verify the padding specified is used. if fill is not None: l_fill, r_fill = stripped_out.split(stage) assert l_pad == l_fill.split(fill)[-1] assert r_pad == r_fill.split(fill)[0] else: if l_pad != "": assert l_pad not in stripped_out if r_pad != "": assert r_pad not in stripped_out assert stripped_out == stage # Verify the width is as expected. expected_width = len(ansi_color) + len(stage) + len(ansi_clear) if fill is not None: expected_width += (len(fill) * 2) + len(l_pad) + len(r_pad) if fill_width % 2 != 0: expected_width += len(fill_char) assert len(colored_output) == expected_width if fill_width >= 3: assert len(stripped_out) == full_width else: assert stripped_out == stage # Test with the default `print` command. log_stage(stage, **log_stage_kwargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() orig_out = "{out}".format(out=captured.out) # stash for comparing with next test assert captured.err == "" verify_all(captured.out) # Verify that **kwargs passed to print work as expected. Print to sys.stderr and # don't include trailing newline. log_stage(stage, **log_stage_kwargs, file=sys.stderr, end="") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" verify_all(captured.err) assert captured.err == orig_out.replace("\n", "")