Source code for tests.core

# Copyright 2019 Stephen McDowell                                                      #
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");                      #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.                     #
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software                  #
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"""Tests for the :mod:`ci_exec.core` module."""

import itertools
import platform
import re
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE

from ci_exec.colorize import Ansi, Colors, Styles, colorize
from ci_exec.core import Executable, fail, mkdir_p, rm_rf, which

import pytest

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "why,exit_code,no_prefix", [ (why, exit_code, no_prefix) for why in ("super fail", "failure of death") for exit_code in (1, 2, 128) for no_prefix in (False, True) ] ) def test_fail(capsys, why: str, exit_code: int, no_prefix: bool): """Validate |fail| exits as expected.""" with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se_excinfo: # Make sure calling this raises SystemExit with appropriate code. fail(why, exit_code=exit_code, no_prefix=no_prefix) # Make sure we exited with the expected code. assert se_excinfo.value.code == exit_code # Check printout of sys.stderr and make sure expected message was printed. if no_prefix: prefix = "" else: prefix = colorize("[X] ", color=Colors.Red, style=Styles.Bold) expected_error_message = "{prefix}{why}\n".format(prefix=prefix, why=why) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" assert captured.err == expected_error_message
[docs]def test_executable_construction_failures(): """Validate that non-absolute and non-(executable)file constructions will raise.""" # There is no `git` executable in this directory (user should have used `which`). with pytest.raises(ValueError) as relative_excinfo: Executable("git") assert str(relative_excinfo.value) == "The path 'git' is not a file." # It must be a file that exists. here = Path(".").resolve() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as non_file_excinfo: Executable(str(here / "this_file_is_not_here")) non_file_msg = str(non_file_excinfo.value) assert non_file_msg.startswith("The path '") not_here = str(Path(".").resolve() / "this_file_is_not_here") assert non_file_msg.endswith("{not_here}' is not a file.".format(not_here=not_here)) # It must be executable. tox_ini = str(here / "tox.ini") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as non_executable_excinfo: Executable(tox_ini) if platform.system() == "Windows": not_exe = "Extension of '{tox_ini}' is not in PATHEXT.".format(tox_ini=tox_ini) else: not_exe = "The path '{tox_ini}' is not executable.".format(tox_ini=tox_ini) assert str(non_executable_excinfo.value) == not_exe
[docs]def test_executable_relative(): """Validate |Executable| accepts relative paths.""" if platform.system() != "Windows": scripty_path = "./" with open(scripty_path, "w") as scripty: scripty.write("#!/bin/sh\necho 'hi, my name is scripty :)'\n") chmod = which("chmod", log_calls=False) chmod("+x", scripty_path) scripty = Executable(scripty_path, log_calls=False) proc = scripty(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) assert proc.returncode == 0 assert proc.stderr == b"" assert proc.stdout.decode("utf-8") == "hi, my name is scripty :)\n" rm_rf(scripty_path)
[docs]def test_executable_logging(capsys): """Validate |Executable| runs and logs as expected.""" # NOTE: capsys is not able to capture output directly, so what we # do instead is run with PIPEs and print it to simulate how it would run normally. pipe = {"stdout": PIPE, "stderr": PIPE} def run_and_print(exe: Executable, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """Run the executable and print to stdout / stderr, return expected logging.""" proc = exe(*args, **kwargs) assert proc.returncode == 0 print(proc.stderr.decode("utf-8"), file=sys.stderr, end="") print(proc.stdout.decode("utf-8"), end="") if exe.log_calls: popen_args = (exe.exe_path, *args) message = "{log_prefix}{cmd_line}".format( log_prefix=exe.log_prefix, cmd_line=" ".join(popen_args) ) if exe.log_color: message = colorize(message, color=exe.log_color, style=exe.log_style) return message else: return "" def startswith(out: str, prefix: str, color: str, style: str) -> bool: """External check for cross-validating run_and_print.""" colored_prefix = colorize(prefix, color=color, style=style) colored = colored_prefix.split(Ansi.Clear)[0] return out.startswith(colored) git = which("git") log_template = "{logged}\norigin\n" # Test default logging (bold cyan). logged = run_and_print(git, "remote", **pipe) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" assert captured.out == log_template.format(logged=logged) assert startswith(captured.out, "$ ", Colors.Cyan, Styles.Bold) # Test custom log color. git.log_color = Colors.Magenta logged = run_and_print(git, "remote", **pipe) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" assert captured.out == log_template.format(logged=logged) assert startswith(captured.out, "$ ", Colors.Magenta, Styles.Bold) # Test custom log style. git.log_style = Styles.BoldInverted logged = run_and_print(git, "remote", **pipe) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" assert captured.out == log_template.format(logged=logged) assert startswith(captured.out, "$ ", Colors.Magenta, Styles.BoldInverted) # Test custom log prefix. git.log_prefix = ">>> " logged = run_and_print(git, "remote", **pipe) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" assert captured.out == log_template.format(logged=logged) assert startswith(captured.out, ">>> ", Colors.Magenta, Styles.BoldInverted) # Test log without colors. git.log_color = None logged = run_and_print(git, "remote", **pipe) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" assert captured.out.startswith(">>> ") # Test log turned off only outputs command. git.log_calls = False run_and_print(git, "remote", **pipe) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" assert captured.out == "origin\n"
[docs]def test_executable_failures(capsys): """Validate failing executables error as expected.""" git = which("git", log_calls=False) # By default, failed invocations terminate. Make sure this happens. # NOTE: as with test_executable_logging, capsys doesn't capture # Check for `git` failure message in non-terminating tests below where we capture # using PIPE. pipe = {"stdout": PIPE, "stderr": PIPE} with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se_excinfo: git("log", "--petty=%B", **pipe) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r".*non-zero exit status (\d+)\.?", captured.err).group(1) == "128" assert se_excinfo.value.code == 128 # Using check=False tells not to raise an Exception. proc = git("log", "--petty=%B", check=False, **pipe) assert proc.returncode == 128 assert proc.stdout == b"" assert b"fatal" in proc.stderr assert b"unrecognized argument" in proc.stderr assert b"--petty=%B" in proc.stderr # Clear capsys before this test. captured = capsys.readouterr() # Test that invalid kwargs to fail. with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se_excinfo: git("status", not_valid_subprocess_kwarg=True) assert se_excinfo.value.code == 1 captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" assert "Executable.__call__: invalid kwarg(s) for" in captured.err assert "unexpected keyword argument 'not_valid_subprocess_kwarg'" in captured.err
[docs]def test_mkdir_p(capsys): """Validate that |mkdir_p| creates directories as expected.""" # Relative paths should be ok. hello = Path("hello") rm_rf(hello) # in case previous tests failed, start clean mkdir_p(hello) assert hello.is_dir() # Already exists, but this is ok (real test is that it doesn't fail). hello = hello.resolve() mkdir_p(hello) assert hello.is_dir() # Strings are allowed. mkdir_p("hello") assert hello.is_dir() # Long chains should be allowed. hello_there = hello / "there" hello_there_beautiful = hello_there / "beautiful" hello_there_beautiful_world = hello_there_beautiful / "world" def repeat(): mkdir_p(hello_there_beautiful_world) assert hello.is_dir() assert hello_there.is_dir() assert hello_there_beautiful.is_dir() assert hello_there_beautiful_world.is_dir() repeat() # because repeat() # why repeat() # not? xD # Cleanup hello/there/beautiful/world and create file hello/there to test errors. rm_rf(hello_there) assert hello.is_dir() with"w") as f: f.write("beautiful world\n") assert hello_there.is_file() with pytest.raises(SystemExit): mkdir_p(hello_there) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" assert "Unable to mkdir_p" in captured.err if platform.system() == "Windows": assert "file already exists" in captured.err else: assert "File exists:" in captured.err # TODO: how to safely engineer permission access errors on all platforms? # Concern: don't eff people over if they ran tests as `root` # Cleanup rm_rf(hello) assert not hello.is_dir()
[docs]def test_rm_rf(capsys): """Validate |rm_rf| deletes files / directories as expected.""" def stage(spec: dict): """ Create the stage to (selectively) delete. Parameters ---------- spec : dict All keys must be strings. Values may either be strings (indicating a file is to be written), or a dictionary (nested directory) with string keys and values being strings or dict as well. Return ------ tuple(List[Path], List[Path]) The created ``(files, directories)`` in that order. """ all_files = [] all_directories = [] def make_children(parent, next_spec): for key, item in next_spec.items(): this_kid = parent / key if isinstance(item, str): with"w") as f: f.write(item) all_files.append(this_kid) else: # assumed to be dict! mkdir_p(this_kid) all_directories.append(this_kid) make_children(this_kid, item) make_children(Path(".").resolve(), spec) return (all_files, all_directories) spec = { "hi": { "there.txt": "a file with some text\n", "there": { "beautiful": { "file.ya": "how interesting, another file ya?\n", "world": { "FILEZ": "don't need extensions :p\n" } } }, "another": { "directory": { "goes": { "all": { "the": { "way": { "down": { "here": "!!!\n" } } } } } } } } } # Create the stage. files, directories = stage(spec) # May as well check (?) for f in files: assert f.is_file() for d in directories: assert d.is_dir() # Deleting hi means they are all gone. rm_rf("hi") for fd in itertools.chain(files, directories): assert not fd.exists() # Recreate stage and selectively delete some things. files, directories = stage(spec) hi_there_txt = Path("hi") / "there.txt" assert hi_there_txt.is_file() rm_rf(hi_there_txt) assert not hi_there_txt.exists() # Creating a symbolic link is the only way I know of to raise an exception here. # rmtree does not allow removal of symlinks. # NOTE: see # Can only test directory links on windows. hi_there = (Path("hi") / "there").resolve() # make sure target is absolute assert hi_there.is_dir() hi_you = Path("hi") / "you" hi_you.symlink_to(hi_there, target_is_directory=True) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): rm_rf(hi_you) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" assert "Cannot call rmtree on a symbolic link" in captured.err # Cleanup: remove hi completely rm_rf("hi")
[docs]def test_which(capsys): """Validate that |which| finds or does not find executables.""" # Make sure ci_exec.core.which and shutil.which agree (how could then not? xD). git = which("git") git_path = shutil.which("git") assert git.exe_path == git_path # This command should not exist. Right? no_cmd = "ja" * 22 with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se_excinfo: which(no_cmd) assert se_excinfo.value.code == 1 captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" prefix = colorize("[X] ", color=Colors.Red, style=Styles.Bold) expected_error_message = "{prefix}Could not find '{no_cmd}' in $PATH.\n".format( prefix=prefix, no_cmd=no_cmd ) assert captured.err == expected_error_message # Test manual $PATH override / make sure same python is found. actual_python = Path(sys.executable) python_name = python_dir = str(actual_python.parent) python = which(python_name, path=python_dir, log_calls=False) assert python.exe_path == str(actual_python) # Throwing in the __str__ test here because it doesn't deserve its own test method. assert str(python) == "Executable('{py}')".format(py=str(actual_python)) proc = python("-c", "import sys; print(sys.version_info)", stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) assert proc.returncode == 0 assert proc.stderr == b"" assert proc.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip() == "{v}".format(v=sys.version_info) # :) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as te_excinfo: which("git", log_callz=False) assert "unexpected keyword argument 'log_callz'" in str(te_excinfo.value)