
The ci_exec package top-level namespace.

Quick Reference:


Wrapper class for defining the escape character and clear sequence.


The core ANSI color codes.


A non-exhaustive list of ANSI style formats.

colorize(message, *, color)

Return message colorized with specified style.

log_stage(stage, *[, …])

Print a terminal width block with stage message in the middle.

Executable(exe_path, *[, …])

Represent a reusable executable.

fail(why, *[, exit_code, no_prefix])

Write a failure message to sys.stderr and exit.

mkdir_p(path[, mode, parents, …])

Permissive wrapper around pathlib.Path.mkdir().

rm_rf(path[, ignore_errors, …])

Permissive wrapper around shutil.rmtree() bypassing FileNotFoundError and NotADirectoryError.

which(cmd, *[, mode, path])

Restrictive wrapper around shutil.which() that will fail() if not found.


A CMake focused argument parser.

filter_file(path, pattern, repl)

Filter the contents of a file.

unified_diff(from_path, to_path)

Return the unified_diff between two files.


Check if code is executing on a continuous integration (CI) service.

cd(dest, *[, create])

Context manager / decorator that can be used to change directories.

merge_kwargs(defaults, kwargs)

Merge defaults into kwargs and return kwargs.


Context manager / decorator that can be used to set environment variables.


Context manager / decorator that can be used to unset environment variables.