Source code for tests.parsers.cmake_parser

# Copyright 2019-2021 Stephen McDowell                                                 #
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"""Tests for the :mod:`ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser` module."""

from itertools import chain
from typing import Tuple

from ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser import CMakeParser
from ci_exec.parsers.utils import env_or_platform_default
from ci_exec.utils import unset_env

import pytest

[docs]def default_cc_cxx() -> Tuple[str, str]: """Return the default ``(cc, cxx)`` for the current platform.""" cc = env_or_platform_default( env="CC", windows="cl.exe", darwin="clang", other="gcc" ) cxx = env_or_platform_default( env="CXX", windows="cl.exe", darwin="clang++", other="g++" ) return (cc, cxx)
[docs]def test_cmake_parser_is_x_config_generator(): """ Validate |is_single_config_generator| and |is_multi_config_generator|. .. |is_single_config_generator| replace:: :func:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.is_single_config_generator` .. |is_multi_config_generator| replace:: :func:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.is_multi_config_generator` """ for g in chain(CMakeParser.makefile_generators, CMakeParser.ninja_generator): assert CMakeParser.is_single_config_generator(g) assert not CMakeParser.is_multi_config_generator(g) for g in chain(CMakeParser.visual_studio_generators, CMakeParser.other_generators, CMakeParser.ninja_multi_generator): assert not CMakeParser.is_single_config_generator(g) assert CMakeParser.is_multi_config_generator(g)
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_defaults(): """Validate the |CMakeParser| defaults are as expected.""" parser = CMakeParser() args = parser.parse_args([]) assert args.generator == "Ninja" assert args.architecture is None assert args.toolset is None assert not args.shared assert not args.static cc, cxx = default_cc_cxx() assert == cc assert args.cxx == cxx assert args.build_type == "Release" expected_configure_args = { "-G", "Ninja", f"-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER={cc}", f"-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER={cxx}", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" } assert set(args.cmake_configure_args) == expected_configure_args assert len(args.cmake_build_args) == 0
[docs]def test_cmake_parser_add_argument_failues(): """ Validate |cm_add_argument| fails with expected names. .. |cm_add_argument| replace:: :func:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.add_argument` """ parser = CMakeParser() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.add_argument("cmake_configure_args") assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == "'cmake_configure_args' name is reserved." with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.add_argument("cmake_build_args") assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == "'cmake_build_args' name is reserved." with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.add_argument("extra_args") assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == \ "'extra_args' is reserved. Set `add_extra_args = False` first." parser.add_extra_args = False parser.add_argument("extra_args") # OK
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_get_argument(): """ Validate |get_argument| finds both flag and dest names. .. |get_argument| replace:: :func:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.get_argument` """ parser = CMakeParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--flag", dest="flag", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("positional", type=str, nargs=1) # Run through default options added. assert parser.get_argument("-G").default == "Ninja" assert parser.get_argument("generator").default == "Ninja" assert parser.get_argument("-A").default is None assert parser.get_argument("architecture").default is None assert parser.get_argument("-T").default is None assert parser.get_argument("toolset").default is None assert not parser.get_argument("--shared").default assert not parser.get_argument("shared").default assert not parser.get_argument("--static").default assert not parser.get_argument("static").default cc, cxx = default_cc_cxx() assert parser.get_argument("--cc").default == cc assert parser.get_argument("cc").default == cc assert parser.get_argument("--cxx").default == cxx assert parser.get_argument("cxx").default == cxx assert parser.get_argument("--build-type").default == "Release" assert parser.get_argument("build_type").default == "Release" # Run through options user added. assert not parser.get_argument("-f").default assert not parser.get_argument("--flag").default assert not parser.get_argument("flag").default assert parser.get_argument("positional").nargs == 1 # None should be returned when argument not found. assert parser.get_argument("--not-here") is None
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_remove(): """ Validate |remove| can remove registered arguments (except for generator). .. |remove| replace:: :func:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.remove` """ parser = CMakeParser() # Cannot remove generator. for args in ["-G"], ["generator"], ["-G", "generator"]: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.remove(*args) assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == "'generator' argument may not be removed." # extra_args is added in parse_args, must be prevented (nothing to remove). with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.remove("extra_args") assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == ( "'extra_args' cannot be removed, it must be prevented. Set " "`add_extra_args = False`." ) # Unregistered arguments cannot be removed. with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.remove("foo") assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == "Cannot remove unregistered arg(s): ['foo']" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.remove("foo", "shared", "bar") # removes shared (!) assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == "Cannot remove unregistered arg(s): ['foo', 'bar']" # Test removing items and make sure parse_args doesn't include them. flag_to_dest = { "-G": "generator", "-A": "architecture", "-T": "toolset", "--shared": "shared", "--static": "static", "--cc": "cc", "--cxx": "cxx", "--build-type": "build_type" } # Test removing one at a time by flags. flags = [f for f in flag_to_dest] parser = CMakeParser(add_extra_args=False) while len(flags) > 1: f = flags.pop(0) if f == "-G": flags.append(f) continue # Parse args, make sure the attribute was set. args = parser.parse_args([]) assert hasattr(args, flag_to_dest[f]) assert all(hasattr(args, flag_to_dest[fl]) for fl in flags) assert set(parser.flag_map.keys()) == set(flags + [f]) assert len(parser.flag_map) == len(parser.dest_map) # Remove arg, make sure it is gone now but others still remain. parser.remove(f) args = parser.parse_args([]) assert not hasattr(args, flag_to_dest[f]) assert all(hasattr(args, flag_to_dest[fl]) for fl in flags) assert set(parser.flag_map.keys()) == set(flags) assert len(parser.flag_map) == len(parser.dest_map) assert flags == ["-G"] # testing the test... # Test removing one at a time by dests. dests = [val for _, val in flag_to_dest.items()] parser = CMakeParser(add_extra_args=False) while len(dests) > 1: d = dests.pop(0) if d == "generator": dests.append(d) continue # Parse args, make sure the attribute was set. args = parser.parse_args([]) assert hasattr(args, d) assert all(hasattr(args, de) for de in dests) assert set(parser.dest_map.keys()) == set(dests + [d]) assert len(parser.dest_map) == len(parser.flag_map) # Remove arg, make sure it is gone now but others still remain. parser.remove(d) args = parser.parse_args([]) assert not hasattr(args, d) assert all(hasattr(args, de) for de in dests) assert set(parser.dest_map.keys()) == set(dests) assert len(parser.dest_map) == len(parser.flag_map) assert dests == ["generator"] # testing the test... # Remove all flags but generator at once. parser = CMakeParser(add_extra_args=False) args = parser.parse_args([]) assert all(hasattr(args, dest) for _, dest in flag_to_dest.items()) parser.remove(*[flag for flag in flag_to_dest if flag != "-G"]) args = parser.parse_args([]) for _, dest in flag_to_dest.items(): if dest == "generator": assert hasattr(args, dest) else: assert not hasattr(args, dest) # Remove all dests but generator at once. parser = CMakeParser(add_extra_args=False) args = parser.parse_args([]) assert all(hasattr(args, dest) for _, dest in flag_to_dest.items()) parser.remove(*[dest for _, dest in flag_to_dest.items() if dest != "generator"]) args = parser.parse_args([]) for _, dest in flag_to_dest.items(): if dest == "generator": assert hasattr(args, dest) else: assert not hasattr(args, dest)
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_set_argument(): """ Validate |set_argument| can set supported attributes. .. |set_argument| replace:: :func:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.set_argument` """ parser = CMakeParser() # Test that unsupported attributes are failed out. for kwargs in {"action": "store_false"}, {"nargs": 2, "type": list}: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.set_argument("shared", **kwargs) why = str(ve_excinfo.value) assert why.startswith(f"Setting attribute{'' if len(kwargs) == 1 else 's'}") # NOTE: str.format(set) used, can't assume order so just check `in`. for key in kwargs: assert key in why assert why.endswith("not supported.") # Changing generator choies not supported. for arg in "-G", "generator": with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.set_argument(arg, help="GeNeRaToR", choices={"meh"}) assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == \ "Changing 'generator' attribute 'choices' is not supported." # Cannot set value of argument that does not exist... with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve_excinfo: parser.set_argument("blargh", help="BLARGH") assert str(ve_excinfo.value) == "Cannot set attrs of 'blargh', argument not found." # Change just one attribute of one argument. generator = parser.get_argument("generator") assert generator.default == "Ninja" parser.set_argument("generator", default="Unix Makefiles") assert generator.default == "Unix Makefiles" # Change multiple attributes of a different argument. build_type = parser.get_argument("build_type") assert build_type.default == "Release" assert set(build_type.choices) == \ {"Release", "MinSizeRel", "RelWithDebInfo", "Debug"} parser.set_argument("--build-type", choices={"Release", "Debug"}, default="Debug") assert build_type.default == "Debug" assert set(build_type.choices) == {"Release", "Debug"}
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_extra_args(): """ Validate |add_extra_args| works as described. .. |add_extra_args| replace:: :attr:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.add_extra_args` """ parser = CMakeParser() cc, cxx = default_cc_cxx() base_configure_args = [ "-G", "Ninja", f"-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER={cc}", f"-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER={cxx}", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" ] # No extra args given. args = parser.parse_args([]) assert args.cmake_configure_args == base_configure_args assert args.cmake_build_args == [] # Extra args with nothing else set. args = parser.parse_args(["--", "-DMYLIB_OPTION=ON", "-Werr=dev"]) assert args.cmake_configure_args == base_configure_args + [ "-DMYLIB_OPTION=ON", "-Werr=dev" ] assert args.cmake_build_args == [] # Extra args with explicit args given. args = parser.parse_args([ "-G", "Ninja", "--cc", cc, "--cxx", cxx, "--build-type", "Release", "--", "-DMYLIB_OPTION=OFF", "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Werror" ]) assert args.cmake_configure_args == base_configure_args + [ "-DMYLIB_OPTION=OFF", "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Werror" ] assert args.cmake_build_args == []
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_shared_or_static(capsys): """Validate ``--shared`` and ``--static`` |CMakeParser| options.""" def validate_shared_and_or_static(parser: CMakeParser): """Verify -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS is correct with --shared vs --static.""" # Specifying --shared: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON args = parser.parse_args(["--shared"]) assert args.shared assert not args.static assert "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON" in args.cmake_configure_args # Specifying --shared: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF args = parser.parse_args(["--static"]) assert args.static assert not args.shared assert "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF" in args.cmake_configure_args # Specifying both: error with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se_excinfo: args = parser.parse_args(["--shared", "--static"]) assert se_excinfo.value.code == 2 captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" assert "argument --static: not allowed with argument --shared" in captured.err with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se_excinfo: args = parser.parse_args(["--static", "--shared"]) assert se_excinfo.value.code == 2 captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" assert "argument --shared: not allowed with argument --static" in captured.err # Default: if neither --shared nor --static specified, NO -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS. optional_parser = CMakeParser() args = optional_parser.parse_args([]) assert not args.shared assert not args.static assert not any( conf.startswith("-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS") for conf in args.cmake_configure_args ) validate_shared_and_or_static(optional_parser) # At least one of `--shared` or `--static` must be provided. required_parser = CMakeParser(shared_or_static_required=True) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se_excinfo: args = required_parser.parse_args([]) assert se_excinfo.value.code == 2 captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "" assert "one of the arguments --shared --static is required" in captured.err validate_shared_and_or_static(required_parser)
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_parse_args_cmake_configure_args(): """ Validate |parse_args| works as expected. .. |parse_args| replace:: :attr:`~ci_exec.parsers.cmake_parser.CMakeParser.parse_args` """ # NOTE: the important test cases are in the sinvle_vs_multi test below. This is # really just testing to make sure that certain arguments only end up in the # configure arguments when they are supposed to. parser = CMakeParser(add_extra_args=False) args = parser.parse_args([]) assert "-A" not in args.cmake_configure_args assert "-T" not in args.cmake_configure_args assert not any( a.startswith("-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=") for a in args.cmake_configure_args ) args = parser.parse_args(["-A", "x64"]) expected = {"-A", "x64"} assert set(args.cmake_configure_args) & expected == expected args = parser.parse_args(["-T", "i-dislike-visual-studio"]) expected = {"-T", "i-dislike-visual-studio"} assert set(args.cmake_configure_args) & expected == expected args = parser.parse_args(["--shared"]) expected = {"-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON"} assert set(args.cmake_configure_args) & expected == expected args = parser.parse_args(["--static"]) expected = {"-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF"} assert set(args.cmake_configure_args) & expected == expected
[docs]@unset_env("CC", "CXX") def test_cmake_parser_single_vs_multi_configure_build_args(): """Validate that single vs multi config generators affect configure / build args.""" parser = CMakeParser(add_extra_args=False) # Single-config generator: build type is configure argument. args = parser.parse_args(["-G", "Ninja", "--build-type", "Debug"]) assert "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" in args.cmake_configure_args assert args.cmake_build_args == [] # Multi-config generator: it is a build argument. args = parser.parse_args([ "-G", "Visual Studio 16 2019", "-A", "x64", "--build-type", "Debug" ]) assert "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" not in args.cmake_configure_args assert args.cmake_build_args == ["--config", "Debug"] args = parser.parse_args([ "-G", "Ninja Multi-Config", "--build-type", "Debug" ]) assert "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" not in args.cmake_configure_args assert args.cmake_build_args == ["--config", "Debug"]